Thomas Troisch
Just like my trusty sketchbook, I always have some form of camera with me. 35mm or 110, smart phone, 1959 Zeiss Contarex, WW2 Leica or Cannon EOS Rebel, digital or traditional, I enjoy the distinctive nuances of an instant canvas. I try to leave my shot untouched, but, at times I enhance my work to reflect the mood of the moment.
I spent 20 years of my life here. It was a bit of a challenge to translate that into just 16 select shots.
I was shooting the Bayside Marina on a rough day, when this guy dropped in for an impromptu "poop".
I have an avid passion for the horror and sci-fi genres. This is an ongoing series, where I shoot my car in a variety of settings and manipulate the final image to reflect a specific movie title.
Perfect symmetry in all its organic nooks and crannies. I don't remember how many rolls I went through that day, but there was a group of tourists that followed me around, mimicking my shots.
We had a few divvy up our rental property into their respective territories. This one was in charge of the boat dock.
1969 Pontiac GTO - from a multi-image classic car series.
One of the more busy stores in Governor's Harbor, Eleuthera. I gave the shot a weathered finish, like most of the things on this island.
I like long walks on the beach, and... yikes! Zombie fish proves rather helpless on dry land - lucky us.
The high grasslands in Washington State make for great photo ops. Vintage Polaroid simulation done in Photoshop.
I needed something Star Wars in my portfolio - this foggy mid-autumn day in Seattle made for a great opportunity. Image manipulation in Photoshop.
Spotted this gem on a rocky beach in the great Pacific Northwest. Untouched image.
1941 Buick - from a multi-image classic car series.
I came across this abandoned Citroën DS among a group of warehouses that were being cleared to make way for condos and retail. Not sure what became of it. Technicolor manipulation in Photoshop to reflect the era of the vehicle.
Spontaneous shot inside the Old Absinthe House. I do enjoy the subtle natural lighting and all the dust bunnies!
The Chihuly Glass Garden open in mid 2012. I shot this image with my HTC smart phone.
A while back I did a series of French store fronts with my old-school Nikon FM110. The series sold as numbered and signed art prints.